Rhetorical Analysis

24 Oct

So I found the rhetorical analysis a lot easier than the objective summary for some reason.  In the objective summary you’re basically just telling your audience WHAT they are saying. You’re just shortening/summarizing the authors point. For the rhetorical analysis your telling your audience WHY the author feels the way they do and if they defend their argument effectively.. This essay focuses more on the reason for the essay, like what is the essay responding to, versus just facts about the topic. I found it easy to write this one, but i did have trouble figuring out the author’s position at first…. As far as using rhetorical analysis, I use it all the time in my daily routine pretty much, and so do most people. We’re constantly in debate with others, whether it’s about a big topic like war or a small topic like fashion. And we critique the arguments the other person has made to decide if their point makes sense or not.

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